may 7th, 2019. St. Ann, mo police stop
NAACP Partners With IHEART RADIO to Host Historic
St. Louis Aldermadic DebateAnd Membership Drive The St. Louis NAACP kickoffs 2019 with it's annual membership drive and a Town Hall meeting presenting 3 very viable and different candidates for President of The St. Louis Board of Aldermen. "The debate is critically important. We as St. Louisans must get connected to and participate in this particular race. The outcome of this election will impact the growth of the City for years to come and now is the time to chart the most progressive direction for our City. We are excited to have a media partner who will bring the bandwidth needed to communicate to St. Louisans throughout the region. Now our ask is that you join with us as members to create and combine the resources to define a new direction." The Branch has reduced the cost of membership to $20.00 through Feb. 24th.
The debate/forum will be broadcast to the public on Majic 103.7, The Beat 100.3 and Hallelujah 1600 on Sunday February 24th at 6pm inside the iHeartMedia Performance room(closed to public). It is a pre-recorded 30 minute show with Robin Boyce (StL Journalist) and Adolphus Pruitt (President of NAACP of STL) The program will air on iHeart Communities the week prior at 7am on the The Beat, 7:30am on Majic and then on Hallelujah Thursday prior to the debate at 9am. |
The St. Louis City Branch of the NAACP Issues Missouri Travel Advisory In Support of the Phanzu Family
In September Tresor Phanzu, a married family man was falsely accused of shoplifting by employees at the Saks Off Fifth Avenue at the St. Louis Premium Outlet location. Tresor was arrested at his home in Chesterfield by 5 aggressive officers from the Chesterfield Police Department and forced under duress to prove his innocence though he had committed no crime. The St. Louis NAACP stands with the Phanzu family to declare - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Join our campaign to stop this hateful treatment and protect the rights of people to spend their hard earned money without harassment and mistreatment. This holiday season we are alerting the public of this family's treatment by Saks Off Fifth, The St. Louis Premium Outlet and The Chesterfield Police Department as a National Travel Advisory until a measure of justice can be attained. Watch the video interview and determine for yourself what must be done.
#enoughisenough #itcouldbeyou #stlouispremiumoutlet #saksfifthavenue #chesterfieldpolice #shoppingwhileblack #naacp #naacpnationaltraveladvisory Learn more about the NAACP Missouri Travel Advisory
Interview with Real STL News
NAACP Events
Don't Miss the Cannabis Business License Bootcamp and Kickoff Feb. 16th
On November 6, 2018 the people of Missouri spoke and now Medical Marijuana programs will be available for patient use throughout the State. Are you an entrepreneur, veteran, patient or provider who is wondering what opportunities exists in this new industry?
Please join Minorities For Medical Marijuana (M4MM), Oaksterdam University and the licensing experts from Green Rush Consulting and Global 1000 for the Missouri Cannabis Business Licensing Bootcamp Preview and Kickoff. Get full understanding of the licensing process, gain access to tools and resources and equity focused training. This Bootcamp has everything you need to know about entering into the industry, timelines, ancillary businesses, licensing and more! The Kickoff is $25.00 and starts - Saturday, 11:30 - 2pm, Feb 16th at University of Missouri - St. Louis and Sunday 1:00 - 3:00pm, Feb. 17th, at The Tiger Hotel, Columbia, MO. Registration fee is $25.00 and seats are filling fast. Register today @ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/missouri-cannabis-business-licensing-bootcamp-cblb-kickoff-event-tickets-55093032744 Visit: www.oaksterdamuniversity.com/mobootcamp for more information today. |
St. Louis City NAACP Hosts NAACP Civil Rights Mini Conference In Partnership With St. Louis International Airport
NAACP Civil Rights Mini-Conference
“Addressing The Growing Disconnects Between The Realities, Community Expectations And Expected Economic Benefits” A Potential Public-Private Partnership (P3) St. Louis Lambert International Airport Bottom line, the City needs money to fund its decaying, asset-choking, and revenue-depleting infrastructure. Private and semi-private funding, along with creative, innovative, and time and money saving project delivery methods are needed. We must embrace the new norm; risk sharing and revenue sharing. Federal and state governments embrace P3 contracting approaches, such as Design-Build-Operate-Maintain (DBOM), Design-Build Finance (DBF), and Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Maintain (DBFOM). |
Amendment #2 is about putting health decisions back in the hands of patients and their doctors, allowing medical marijuana use under the supervision and expertise of doctors, not government bureaucrats.
Marijuana and racism have long been intertwined, dating back to the post-Prohibition era in the 1930s when the country’s first drug czar gained fraction for his war on marijuana by invoking a fear of black people. In the 1970s, President Richard Nixon’s war on drugs targeted black people, as well as hippies. History is replete with how officials used cannabis prohibition to target and criminalize black and brown people and throw them in jail. |
NAACP National News
